Woven Label

Difference between HD and Normal Woven labels

You must have heard about HD for lot of electronic items but what the heck is HD for woven labels ?

Woven labels are made of cloth and cloth is made of thread . In case of woven labels it is usually polyester yearn because of the tenacity which the year provides. To make a normal woven label HD woven label there are more number of threads which are used to make it. So if a normal woven label of dimension 1inch * 2 inch is made with lets say 50 threads then HD  woven label will be using minimum 70 threads in the same space.

Since there are more number of threads which are used in HD woven labels, which also takes more time to sew these threads hence the cost is not only increased because of extra thread but more time which is required to make HD woven labels.

You can easily feel the difference by touching the woven label. HD woven label usually gives more premium look and feel than normal labels.

Woven Label
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